Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (AADM)
Online version of new issue (ISSN 2406-100X) was posted on October 28th, 2024.

Printed version (ISSN 1452-8630) appeared on October 28th, 2024.
Available online (FREE) from volume 1 (2007).

ISSN 1452-8630 (printed), ISSN 2406-100X (online)

Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics is academic nonprofit open access mathematical journal.

The journal appears in two issues per year (April and October), published by University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering. The online edition is freely available. The journal does not charge publication costs.

This journal approves and supports the International Mathematical Union's Best Current Practices for Journals (2010).

European Mathematical Society Ethics Committee - Code of Practice (2012).

For authors: What kind of papers do we publish?

Indexed, abstracted and reviewed in:

  • Web of Science,
  • Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC&ES),
  • Mathematical Reviews/MathSciNet,
  • Zentralblatt für Mathematik,
  • Referativny Zhurnal-VINITI.

Included in:


  • Aims and scope: The Journal Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics presents carefully selected original research articles from all areas of Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics such as: classical mathematical analysis, functional analysis, differential and difference equations, special functions, combinatorics and graph theory, mathematical applications in probability and statistics, numerical analysis and computer science. Submissions dealing with applications in other sciences or in real-world problems are welcome provided that they focus on mathematics rather than on application itself..
  • Peer refereeing: i) Each contribution will be reviewed by members of editorial board and peer-reviewed (blind peer-reviewed) refereed by experts in the corresponding field.
  • Waiting time: As a rule, within six months from a submission, the corresponding author will be informed about the first decision regarding the paper (rejected, change required, accepted). If the paper needs a revision, the revised file is sent again to referees, and further waiting time till the final decision can vary, depending on a particular case. Shortly after the paper is accepted, it will be posted on the web site with a digital object identifier (DOI) assigned.
  • How to submit: Please see the title "for authors" for more details.