Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics AADM has a new Editor-in-Chief Board since 1st November 2016.
Editors-in-Chief Board:
Branko Malešević,
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School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Associate Editor-in-Chief (Mathematical Analysis)
Siniša Ješić,
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School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Associate Editor-in-Chief (Discrete Mathematics)
Tamara Koledin,
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School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Advisory Board:
Dragoš Cvetković, Serbia
Arlington M. Fink, USA
Ivan Gutman, Serbia
Miodrag Mateljević, Serbia
Gradimir Milovanović, Serbia
Themistocles M. Rassias, Greece
Hari M. Srivastava, Canada
Editorial Board:
Ravi P Agarwal,
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Oscar Blasco,
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, Spain
- Fourier analysis (Singular integrals and bilinear multipliers),
- Complex variables (Spaces of analytic functions and operators)
- Functional analysis (vector-valued functions and measures interplay with geometry of Banach spaces)
Junesang Choi,
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, Korea
- Analytic number theory and Complex analysis (Riemann and Hurwitz Zeta and related functions, Euler sums)
- Special functions (hypergeometric functions and generalizations, Gamma and related functions)
Soon-Yeong Chung,
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, Korea
- Discrete PDE and their Inverse Problems
- Analysis on Graphs
- Generalized Functions
Vladimir Dragović,
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, Serbia
- Integrable dynamical systems
- Differential geometry
- Mechanics of particles and systems
Jesus Garcia-Falset,
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, Spain
- Fixed point theory
- Accretive operators
Henry W. Gould,
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- Enumerative combinatorics
- Combinatorial number theory
- Special functions of mathematical physics
- Combinatorial identities
Ivan Gutman,
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, Serbia
- Graph theory
- Algebraic graph theory
- Mathematical chemistry
Bratislav Iričanin,
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, Serbia
- Difference equations
- Discrete dynamical systems
Soon-Mo Jung,
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, Korea
- Hyers-Ulam stability of functional and differential equations
Hira L. Koul,
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- Stochastic processes-Long range dependence and Time Series Analysis
- Non- and Semiparametric Inference
- Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis
- Weak convergence of Stochastic Processes and their applications to Statistics
Sergii Kovalenko,
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, Ukraine
- Symmetry analysis of differential equations
- Exactly solvable and integrable systems of mathematical physics
Peter G. L. Leach,
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, South Africa
- Symmetry and singularity analyses of differential equations
- Applications of differential equations in Relativity/Cosmology, Epidemiology, Ecology and Financial Mathematics
Hosam Mahmoud,
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- Analysis of Algorithms
- Applied probability
- Random Trees
- Urn Models
- Randomized Algorithms
Miodrag S. Mateljević,
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, Serbia
- Geometric function theory
- Harmonic functions
- Hardy spaces
Donatella Merlini,
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, Italy
- Mathematical methods for the analysis of algorithms and data structures
- Theoretical computer science
Gradimir V. Milovanović,
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, Serbia
- Approximation theory
- Numerical analysis
- Special functions and orthogonal polynomials
Cristinel Mortici,
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, Romania
- Mathematical analysis
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Functional Equations
- Asymptotic Analysis
- Hyers-Ulam Stability
Adrian Petrusel,
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, Romania
- Nonlinear Analysis
- Fixed Point Theory
- Differential Equations
Stevan Pilipović,
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, Serbia
- Functional analysis
- Integral transformations in generalized function spaces
- Microlocal analysis
- Partial differential equations
Miloš Arsenović,
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, Serbia
- Functional Analysis
- Complex analysis
- Geometric theory of functions
- Functional spaces
- Partial equations
József Sándor,
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, Romania
- Elementary and multiplicative number theory
- Convexity and generalizations
- Inequalities (series, integrals, means)
- Gamma and related functions
- Functional equations
- Inner product spaces
Zsolt Tuza,
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, Hungary
- Graph and hypergraph coloring
Stephan Wagner,
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, Sweden
- Analytic combinatorics
- Enumerative combinatorics
- Graph theory
Nebojša Đurić,
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, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Inverse Spectral Problems
- Ordinary Differential Equations
Local editorial staff
Assistant Editor:
Tatjana Lutovac,
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Nataša Ćirović,
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Technical Editor and Web Administrator:
Bojan Banjac, Vladimir Bečejac and Maja Petrović,
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